Dr Matt stroud

Matt gained his PhD in Astrophysics from University College London. After University, he joined the UK mobile operator EE, where he held roles both as Head of Network Strategy and later as Head of Corporate Strategy. Having become slightly obsessed with the potential of data, he joined the UK’s Digital Catapult as Head of Personal Data & Trust, helping corporates and start-ups innovate with personal data and AI. During this time, Matt was a member of the Stereo, which established Open Banking. Matt then joined the Canadian AI business Flybits as European Managing Director. He has also held senior positions in several consultancies. Matt is currently working on Neom, the futuristic mega-city in Saudi Arabia. In his spare time, he is a keen landscape photographer and has two wonderful children who will grow up to live in a world very different from today’s.

email: info@digital-liberty.org